In 2005, during a musical world tour, Nathalie Houtman met the Pondicherry Flute Quartett and their teacher Anne Marie Paillard. It is the birth of an artistic collaboration and a friendship that has survived the years. In 2017, Laura Pok joins the adventure and it is the genesis of the project "Inspire the flute".
Each year, the duo Laterna Magica travels to Pondicherry to make the recorder sound in places as varied as the Alliance Française, the Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient, the Aurodhan gallery , the Volontariat, the orphanage of the sisters of Cluny, the Pitanga concerthall in Auroville, the Shanti workshop, the Lycée Français, the Satya Special School.
Today, the recorder players community is growing, with new students coming every year to join the group.
In 2018, the duo produced a documentary telling the story of the Pondicherry Flute
Quartett players and how the recorder, which is not part of the local musical tradition, changed their lives.